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Science Research Competition

Required Forms

Every project to be entered into the Rowan College South Jersey, Cumberland Campus Science Research Competition must have the following forms submitted by February 8th, 2024:

  1. ISEF Forms (include at least 1, 1a, 1b and 3)
  2. a research plan containing a detailed procedure 
  3. a bibliography containing a minimum of five sources
  4. At the end of the project, a student must submit a project summary form per the requirements of DVSF

These forms should be submitted via STEM Wizard to RCSJ- Cumberland for review as soon as students have concluded preliminary research and have selected the idea for their experiment. Some projects require approval from the sponsoring school's IRB and RCSJ-Cumberland Scientific Review Committee before they can start so please do this as soon as possible. Appointments to review paperwork can be set up by the teachers from a sponsoring school in January 2025.

February 8th, 2025 is the deadline to submit all forms indicated on form 1, question #6. These include: Human Subjects (even if you are doing something you think is harmless), Vertebrate Animals (includes family pets), Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents (includes all growth of bacteria, mold or fungus), Hazardous Chemicals, Activities and Devices. These additional forms are included in the link to the ISEF forms.  Please refer to the 2024 ISEF guidelines and Rules for additional information concerning the aforementioned projects.

No deviation in experimental design will be permitted after February 8, 2025.

In lieu of display boards, your presentation materials will be uploaded in STEM Wizard in a slide pdf format. Complete details are included in the STEM Wizard online registration process. Applicants should review the STEM Wizard instructions carefully regarding all items to be submitted including presentation slides, research papers, and scientific journals.  

ISEF Forms and Rulebook​
